Outdoor Scanning
Outdoor Scanning
An outdoor 3D virtual tour provides a virtual walkthrough of a property’s exterior, including its landscaping, gardens, patios, pools, and other outdoor features. This type of virtual tour offers a unique and immersive experience that allows potential buyers, renters, and guests to explore a property’s outdoor spaces and get a better understanding of the property’s overall design and layout. This technology is brand new and only possible with the Matterport Pro 3 camera that uses LiDAR technology.
Outdoor 3D virtual tours are especially useful for showcasing properties with large outdoor spaces, such as estates, farmhouses, or properties with scenic views but also very useful in showing smaller outdoor spaces like apartment balconies, backyards, and small gardens. The tours provide a comprehensive and visually stunning view of a property’s outdoor features, allowing potential buyers, renters, and guests to see all the beauty and potential of the property.
With outdoor 3D virtual tours, you can showcase your property in a way that sets it apart from others. They provide a unique and memorable experience that will leave a lasting impression on potential buyers, renters, and guests. If you’re looking to showcase your property in the most visually stunning and engaging way possible, consider using an outdoor 3D virtual tour.